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- What was the world like before God created it?
-In the beginning, there was no light.
-In the beginning, darkness covered the whole earth.
- How did God create light on the first day?
-God created light just by speaking.
- How did God create the sky on the second day?
-God created the sky just by speaking.
- How did God separate the water that covered the earth?
-God placed some of the water from the earth above the sky.
-God left the rest of the water on the earth.
- Who commanded the water to move back so that the dry ground appeared?
- Why can God command the water to move back, and the water must obey?
-Because God created the water.
- How did God create all of the plants and trees?
-God created all of the plants and trees just by speaking.
- For whom did God create all of the plants and trees?
-God created them for us people.
- Why did God create all of the plants and trees?
-Because God loves us very much.
- How did God create the sun, moon, and stars?
-God created the sun, moon, and stars just by speaking.
- How did God create all of the fish and birds?
-God created all of the fish and birds just by speaking.
- For whom did God create all of the fish and birds?
-God created them for us people.
- Why did God create all of the fish and birds?
-Because God loves us very much.
- What did God say about all that He had created?
-God said that everything was good.
- Why was God able to create everything perfect?
-Because God is perfect.
-What did God create the sixth day?
Let’s read Genesis 1:24-25
24-And God said, “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind.” And it was so.
25-God made the wild animals according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.
-On the sixth day, God created all of the animals.
-How many different animals did God create?
-More than anyone can count.
-Who alone was able to create the animals?
-Only God.
-Only God can create animals.
-When God finished creating the animals, the earth was prepared.
-Did God prepare the earth for angels or for Satan and his demons?
-For whom did God prepare the earth?
-God prepared the earth for us people.
-God prepared a perfect earth for people because God loves us very much.
-God did not prepare the earth for the angels.
-God did not prepare the earth for the demons.
-God did not prepare the earth for Satan.
-God prepared the earth for us people alone.
-Let’s read what God said after He had finished preparing the earth for us:
Let’s read Genesis 1:26
26-Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
-God said, “Let us make man in our image.”
-To whom was God speaking?
-God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit were talking together.
-God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit were talking about making us people in their own image.
-Of everything that God created, which is most important?
-Because people were the most important of everything that God created, how did God decide to make us?
-God decided to make us in His own image.
-How did God create people different from animals?
-God created people in the image of God, but animals do not have the image of God.
-What does it mean that people were made in the image of God?
-It does not mean our bodies, because God does not have a body of flesh and bones.
-The part of us that was made in God’s image is the part that cannot be seen.
-The part of us that was made in God’s image is our soul.
-In our souls, we have three parts.
-In our souls, we have a mind, emotions, and a will.
-Our mind, emotions, and will are made in the image of God.
-What part of people is made in the image of God?
-Our mind, emotions, and will.
-Firstly, God made our minds in His own image.
-Because God has a mind, He created us with a mind.
-God can think, and He wants us to think.
-What does God want us to do with our mind?
-God wants us to think about that which is good.
-God wants us to think about God.
-God wants us to think about Him so that we can know Him.
-Would you like to live in the bush with animals and no people?
-Because animals cannot talk or think.
-Just like you talk with your friends, God wants us to talk with Him.
-God has a mind, and He created us with a mind.
-God has given us a mind so we can know God.
-Secondly, God made our emotions in His own image.
-Because God has emotions, He created us with emotions.
-God can be happy, and He wants us to be happy.
-God wants us to be happy about God.
-God wants us to love Him.
-God also hates.
-What does God hate?
-God hates all sin.
-What is sin?
-Sin is that which God does not want.
-Sin is everything that God does not want.
-God also feels sad.
-What does God feel sad about?
-God feels sad about people who do not love Him.
-Just like you love your children, God loves you.
-God has emotions, and He created us with emotions.
-Why did God give us emotions?
-So we can love God.
-Thirdly, God made our will in His own image.
-Because God has a will, He created us with a will.
-God can choose, and He wants us to choose.
-What does God want us to do with our will?
-God wants us to choose that which is good.
-God wants us to choose God.
-God wants us to choose Him so that our lives will be good.
-When you shoot a gun, does the gun choose what to shoot?
-Because a gun does not have a will.
-When you paddle your boat on the water, does the boat choose where to go?
-Because a boat does not have a will.
-God has a will, and He created us with a will.
-God has given us a will so we can choose God.
-Let’s read about God creating the first man:
Let’s read Genesis 1:27
27-So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.
-How many people did God create in the beginning?
-Only one man and one woman.
-First, God created the first man.
-Then, God created the first woman.
-What was the name of the first man?
-Who alone was able to create the first man and woman?
-Only God.
-Only God can create people.
Let’s read Genesis 2:7a
7-The LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground.
-God created Adam from the dust of the ground.
-But why was Adam not yet living?
-Because God had not yet breathed life into Adam.
Let’s read Genesis 2:7b
7-The LORD God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.
-Adam became alive only when God breathed life into him.
-Only God can breathe life into people.
-Only God can give life.
-Adam is the beginning of the entire human race.
-Adam is the father of the entire human race.
-In the beginning, God did not create a white man and a black man.
-In the beginning, God created only one man and one woman.
-All people come from Adam.
-All people are descendants of Adam.
-After God created Adam, what did God do with Adam?
Let’s read Genesis 1:28
28-God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”
-God made Adam chief of all the earth.
-Why are the angels not chief of the earth?
-Because God made people chief of the earth.
-Why are the demons not chief of the earth?
-Because God made people chief of the earth.
-Who created the earth?
-To whom did the earth belong?
-Whose decision was it to make people chief of the earth?
-Only God’s.
-What did God say after He had finished creating everything?
Let’s read Genesis 1:31
31-God saw all that He had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning–the sixth day.
-After God finished creating everything, God saw that it was very good.
-Because God is perfect, everything that God creates is perfect.
-What was life like in the beginning?
-In the beginning, there was no anger.
-In the beginning, there was no hate.
-In the beginning, there was no evil.
-In the beginning, there was no death.
-In the beginning, God created everything perfect.
-Who was watching when God created a perfect world?
-God’s angels, Satan, and his demons.
-God’s angels saw that God made everything perfect.
-And they were happy.
-Were Satan and his demons happy that God created a perfect world?
-Satan and his demons saw that God made everything perfect, and they were very angry.
-Satan and his demons saw that God made people in His image, and they were very angry.