Testimony from South Sudan:
In the Shatt language, “Ng’akhatasi Khoskhos” means “sin kills” or “sin brings death.” Death is a word that many in the Shatt tribe fear of talking openly.
In the camp, there was a seventeen-year old girl who had been sick for quite a while, and no one seemed to know her sickness. This led her parents to make her stay next to the witch doctor’s altar where he had been putting marks on her body, doing different evil things in her life, passing her over a fire, and forcing her to drink fresh blood from little children who were killed by their own parents, commanded by the same witch doctor.
Her father, who had previously been a captain in one of the armies in South Sudan said this:
“The love of our daughter has made us to walk to different witch doctors, even as far west as Barhelgazel which is believed to be the center of all witchcraft in South Sudan. Our daughter has suffered under the hands of many witch doctors. We have spent all of our money which is now all gone. We have sacrificed all of our animals which are now all gone. We are remaining with nothing.
Strangely enough, one of the witch doctors who had previously ‘treated’ a friend told us that God had healed him. Therefore, we chose to bring our daughter out of the Nuba mountains, and went to look for our friend. When we found him, we saw people praying, and that his knee was now doing well.
After praying with us, for the first time, our daughter was able to sleep undisturbed. Learning the Word of God is the best that I can do. Indeed, sin brings death.
We have acted very foolishly. We have worshiped idols, and we have killed others because of sin. This day, however, we have received the grace of our God, and our daughter is completely healed. We are one week from when she has been healed, and she has no more sickness, she is no longer talking to herself, and she once again has all of her memory.
In the army, I had all authority, but not even my authority could heal our daughter.”
Pray with us for provision for audio Bibles to these people, and for the Lord to keep them growing through the booklets we have been sharing with them before they head back to Nuba mountains.
Mark 16:15 – “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”