Welcome and thank you for participating in this important work! We appreciate you and God appreciates you.
Our intention is to publish the lessons into booklets so that they can be easily printed and distributed. To help with this see the resources below.
CLICK HERE to download the Microsoft Word booklet template.
CLICK HERE for the English PDF guide files.
CLICK HERE for booklet page length per lesson.
In the English the font is “Times New Roman” and the font size is 14. The margins are 0.7 for the top, bottom, left, and right. It may be that the font size is different in your language. We like for the page numbers to be the same as the English lessons. To help with this we have made a list of how many pages each lesson should be using the template.
1) Please translate into your language following the English as closely as possible.
2) Please keep the translation of the text as simple as possible. Remember that the booklets are also used to teach people how to read. The simpler, the better.
3) If you are writing the translation down in a booklet, please print very clearly so that the one who types the translation will be able to read your writing.
4) If the Bible verses have already been translated in your language, please do not translate them again. Only write down the Bible reference and leave a blank in the booklet. The typist will then type in the Bible verses.
5) If the Bible verses have not been translated in your language, then please translate them as simply and as clearly as possible. This translation will then be used as a first draft.
6) The questions at the beginning of the lessons are taken exactly as they are written in the previous lesson. This is to help people to read as well as to help reinforce a spiritual truth. Therefore, please do not translate them again in a different way. Merely copy the questions and answers which you first translated from the previous lesson.
7) Although we use the following for checking, I am also including them here for the translation:
a) For The Questions at the Beginning of each lesson:
i) Check that there is a question mark at the end of every question.
ii) Check that there is a period at the end of every answer.
iii) Check that there are two spaces after each question number.
iv) Check that there is one open line between the questions.
b) For The Teaching Text:
i) Check that there is a hypen at the beginning of each sentence.
ii) Check that there is a capital letter at the beginning of each sentence.
iii) Check that there is a question mark at the end of every question.
iv) Check that there is a period at the end of every statement.
c) For The Bible Verses:
i) Check that the Bible references are correct.
ii) Check that the Bible verses match the Bible references.
iii) Check that there is one open line both before the reference and after it.
iv) Check that there is a hypen after the number for each Bible verse.
v) Check that all quotations have beginning and ending quotation marks.
vi) Check that a capital letter follows the beginning quotation marks.
vii) Check that periods are inside of the quotation marks, and not outside them.
viii) Check that there are two spaces after every period.
8) May God help you to do a fair and accurate translation which will touch the hearts of all of your people!