From Felix Bright, Tororo District, Uganda:
“Today, I went for a follow up at Rock High Secondary School with my wife and two other disciples. It was a blessing to see the young generation giving their lives to the Lord. One of the school leaders said this:
‘Since you began the discipleship class at Rock High through the chronological
booklets, we have seen many students come to the Lord. Others are able to share their faith boldly without fear of being intimidated. What a blessing for having had such a wonderful session with our students. Today we have more than 500 out of 1200 students professing their salvation boldly because of the discipleship class we have been having.’
Praise the Lord! In the follow-up, fifty three (53) more students believed in the Lord and started thei journey with the Lord Jesus Christ.
We are praying for the provision of more booklets as 115 of these students didn’t receive a copy of the booklets, yet have a heart of yearning to study more. May the Lord be blessed for praying and walking with us.”
Acts.4.12: “Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”