From David Okurut working in school/youth ministry in Uganda:
“My passion in school ministry is motivated by the hearts of the students who deeply want to learn the Word of God, and how they are willing to share with their
families. When these students are taught the foundation of the Word of God, and live a life based on the foundation of the holiness of God, the nation is changed.”
Jennifer, one of the students, shares how the chronological booklets have helped her and her family grow in the Word of God:
‘Reading the entire Bible is heavy stuff for us at home. Even I find it difficult, but since I started sharing the stories from the booklets with my family, we understand how we have sinned against God, how to pray, and how best to come to God which is through Christ confessing our sins. Only God is holy, and only God can save us. My faith in the Lord has deepened, and now I am able to share my faith easily with my Muslim friends without hurting them. Thank you for sharing with us the Word of God.’
Not only Jennifer, but other students have also grown in the Word of God, and just like Jennifer, are now sharing the Word of God freely. Thank you for praying with us. Thank you for helping us to grow, and above all, thank you for your help in providing the booklets which is causing the ministry to grow.”
David Charles Okurut