From Kapsabet, Kenya where Bithian is teaching students in the schools there:
“My name is Timothy Mgondo. I am a very happy man after my daughter showed me the way to happiness. I took my daughter to this school as I wanted her to learn just like the other parents wanted for their kids. The first year was so bad for me as she was last in her class.
I used to drink a lot. At the end of her first term, I would come home and beat her with kicks and blows. I had become a laughing stock with other parents. I got deeper into alcohol due to my shame and I became a useless man.
Last year, I brought her back to school after she had spent an entire term at home due to my stupidity. In the second term, I saw a great change in my daughter. Her mother noticed this too. She was reading a lot and was very obedient at home.
I began to tell myself that I would not beat her again, and that I would accept the marks that she would come home with. That term, she was among the top third in her class. Instead of staying home to congratulate her, I went to the club to drink. I got so drunk that some men had to carry me home.
The next day, my daughter asked if she could read to me instead of me going to the club. She told me that she wanted to read to me the Bible stories which had helped her to learn how to read better as well as to do better academically at school.
At first I refused, but she insisted that if I didn’t listen, then she wouldn’t do well at school. All that she wanted was my support and my ears as she practiced her reading
We both agreed and I became a victim of not going to the club, but instead, listening to the stories. The stories began to convict me step by step.
I was convinced that I was just like the Israelites whom God loved, but yet had other gods. Alcohol was my god and I was in the wrong tribe. I had caused a lot of pain to my family, and I needed a savior.
My daughter kept reading the stories to me until I knew who the Savior was. She prayed with me, and I cried, knowing the pain that I had caused her.
I went to church with her the following Sunday, and she asked the pastor to pray for me to give my life to the Savior whom I needed. I am now at peace with myself and my family. There is joy and happiness in my family.
I thank God for whoever gave the books to my daughter, and taught her. Now, my daughter has taught me too. It is eight months since I have tasted alcohol. My health is good and now, I can help my wife with farm work. I thank Jesus for saving me. I bless my daughter for leading me to Christ.”
Bithian taught the girl in school. The girl went home and shared with her family. The girl is sixteen years old.