From South Sudan:
“Praise the Lord Jesus Christ. I hope you are doing well. We are blessed by the Lord Jesus Christ each day.
It is less than two weeks since we started discipling the Arab believers–formerly Muslims. The response to the Gospel through the teaching of the chronological booklets is so remarkable with 100% attendance every Wednesday evening for two hours.
Here is what these former Muslims are saying: ‘We are glad that we found you. Many people are always criticizing other religions, but they do not give a proper solution for our lives. To be an apostate in the Muslim religion is one of the greatest sins in Islam, and it is punishable by death.
For you to take time to share with us the Word of God within these last few days has taught us many things. In this world, there are only two tribes–the tribe of God and the tribe of Satan. Satan always lied to us about our identity. We were lost. We were the rebellious tribe. Thankfully, God picked us up from different parts of the world and brought us into the good tribe, the tribe of God!’
This is one of the many incredible testimonies about the underground believers whom we are discipling. Some of them come along with their wives which is never practiced among the Muslims. My wife helps by teaching the women the chronological stories. Indeed, in darkness, the enemy laughed at them, but the Light of God is shining brighter and brighter everyday. Their hearts are full of joy, and they love receiving these truths from the Lord! Keep praying with us as we minister to them.”
‘Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy. When I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD shall be a light unto me’ (Micah 7:8).