This testimony from Violet in Kenya who was widowed at the age of 20:
“I got married when I was 18 years old due to pressure from my step mother who treated me like her slave after my mother had died. I married a man who was an addict to drugs, but I didn’t know this when we first got married.
After a year of marriage, God blessed me with twin boys. When I found him smoking in the thicket near our house, my husband told me of his addiction to drugs. As I had nowhere to go, I decided to live with him as he was the father of my children.
During the birthday celebration for our kids who had turned one year old, my husband came home with his friends to celebrate. We had lunch together, and he left only to be found the following day dead on the road.
This was so painful. How could I be widowed at the age of twenty? Should I get married to another man? Tradition demanded that I get married to his younger brother, but I refused.
I decided that I would take care of my kids with God’s help. I asked myself questions: Why did God allow it to happen? Who killed my husband? Is God real?
I got answers to these questions when Mama Elizabeth gave me casual jobs at her home two years ago. She paid me, and gave me food to take care of my kids. She introduced me to the widows’ group and we met in her house to read the Bible stories together.
She taught us of the two tribes in the world–those who belong to God and those who belong to Satan–evil people and good people. She taught us people of God to obey and to listen to God. Bad people listen to and obey the devil.
She taught us through stories that good people have a Savior and they surrender their lives to Him–JESUS CHRIST.
I gave my life to Jesus and decided that I would not remarry. It has been fifteen years now since my husband died. I have more peace because I now know who my Savior is. I am now reading the Bible stories to my kids who are teenagers and I know that our Savior will be with them as they grow to become adults.”
From Wycliffe:
These and other testimonies caused our printer to donate 300 copies of lessons 21-30 to the widows this year. We need another 300 copies of lessons 21-30 and 600 copies of lessons 31-40.
Hearing of the changes in widows in Vihiga county, the widows of Kakamega county have organised their conference from 11th to 15th December 2024. We need 300 copies of lessons 1-20. Please pray that God provides funds to help these ladies know more about God by giving them a booklet.