estimony from a woman in Kenya:
“My name is Ziporah Mudiri. I am 78 years old. My husband died when I was 40, and my life was full of pain.
I was left with three kids. It was a struggle to take them to school and provide food for them. As this was too difficult for me, my kids ended up on the streets, begging for food. My relatives were nowhere to help me. They all abandoned us.
I remember that I went to church, and I was given a Bible to read, but the more I read, the more I got confused. I didn’t understand anything that I was reading.
I stopped going to church and got introduced to a cult that promised to solve all of our problems. We did funny things in a form of worship. We would worship naked without clothes in odd hours of the night. We would go to the rivers at midnight to bathe, but this changed nothing.
Last year, I joined the Zarephath widows’ group, and I began to read and pray with the other widows. We learned were sin came from. We also learned of the need to have a Savior and who the Savior was. The Bible finally began to make sense to me, and I understood that all that I needed was my Savior.
Pastor Wycliffe introduced us to Jesus and I gave my life to Jesus. I opened my home for other widows to come and pray with me as they teach me more of the Bible stories. I used to be like the Israelites who worshipped other gods instead of the one true God.
After years of being gone, one of my daughters came back home. She had been involved in prostitution and had contracted HIVAids. As I cannot read and have been praying for help, I asked her to read the stories to me. As she read, she also understood the need for a Savior. She has now given her life to Christ also.
Thank you for the booklets that help us to understand the Bible.”