From Sister Khaitesi in Uganda, a former Muslim. When she received the Lord Jesus Christ, she was chased from her home, and no one ever wanted to see her:
“I have been listening to the Word of God for a very long time. Every day, the Bible was read on the radio. I used to listen on my phone using my earphones, as listening to preaching is a great crime in our family. As my father puts it, ‘That is shame to the whole Muslim world!’ But with my phone, I could hide and listen.
One day, the preacher taught about destiny. He asked questions like ‘Who am I?’ ‘Where did I come from?’ ‘Why am I here on earth?’ ‘How will I go back?’ These kept me searching for the truth, knowing that there is judgment after death just as we believed in Islam (though Islam has a very unfair judgement!).
Through studying the chronological Booklets, I came to believe in Jesus Christ. The love of God in the Bible who gave His Son, and His constant grace drew me to Him and understanding how sinful I was. I said “Yes” to the Lord Jesus Christ.
However, there was one thing yet lacking, and I asked God through prayer to provide it for me. The Bible, the greatest weapon of all time, was what I lacked.
Indeed, God is faithful as He says in His Word, and on Sunday, I was able to receive a gift of a Bible! This is a tool for me to teach the world to know the Light. It is a time to let the Light in me shine.
I am so happy to have the family of Christ as a part of my family. Though my physical family rejected and disowned me, Jesus is Lord and I am so much joyful.”
Felix–Keep praying for her to be strong and grow in the love of God.