A testimony from South Sudan:
“As I grew up, Arab culture filled my brain. I never thought of anything except Allah and Mohamed, his prophet. I obeyed all that had to do with Islam, including daily prayers, giving money to the poor, and hating Christians. Being poor, however, was a bit of a problem. I wanted to be rich, visit the rest of the Arab world, and make the voyage to Mecca. My biggest question was wondering if I would still be loving Allah (God) if I would die before going to Mecca.
I was given a copy of the English booklets. While reading them, I expected to receive the love of Allah. I read how God killed an animal to cover the sin of Adam. I read how God spoke to the woman after she had sinned, saying that her seed would crush the serpent, Satan. This helped me to ask two questions: Why are women of so little value in Islam and who is the one who would crush the head of Satan? Not even Mohamed, my beloved prophet, had the power of crushing Satan.
Continuing to read the booklets, I read of God having a man build an ark in order to save him and his family who believed in Him. Why didn’t God kill everyone and create new people?
Going deeper, I read how God provided an animal to be slaughtered instead of Isaac. This shocked me, and I wondered why this same God would command Muslims to kill on His behalf?
Since then I have been meditating over my own sinful life, living in denial, hatred, and walking as a child of the devil. I do not want any more of the lies of the world, and I have chosen the way of God. I want to learn more. I want to know more of Jesus and the love of this Father.”