In South Sudan, an average of twenty women on a daily basis show up at the health facility with bruises and wounds. Wife beating has robbed many families. Some of the wives end up being maimed because of the beatings. Others divorce and leave their family, making living very hard.
After having taught the booklets, we received this testimony from a man of the Koalib tribe in the Nuba mountains:
“Growing up in a Muslim culture teaches us that we need to beat our wives. Beautiful as women are, we have been taught that they are useless unless we beat them.
My first wife divorced me after I almost beat her to death. My Muslim brothers told me that this is the way that we show the women that we are a man. So, I beat her, and felt good seeing her wounds.
When we were taught the chronological booklets, of God’s creation and how He created a woman from man’s rib, it hurt me so much to the point that I realized that even though I had beaten my wife, I was truly beating myself. I hated myself and was so sad that I couldn’t get my wife back.
I could then see that I am really bad, full of hate and violence, and not at all a loving man. Our children have suffered so much such pain and shame.
Now that I have heard the Good News of a loving God, I have believed and I want to walk with my God. This journey is a new journey. I am making a decision after learning the truth. Thanks so much for sharing these booklets with us.”