In the camp, we have been seeing people worshiping God according to their tribe. The Dinkas, for example, see themselves as the rulers of all of South Sudan, and therefore, to worship with the Nubians means to de-value their status in the nation. The Dinkas are filled with pride and hatred for the Nubians.
In one fellowship today, however, both Dinkas and Nubians were worshiping God together! This means that they have understood that we all have sinned, that we are all the same before the living God, and that we all have one Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
One Sunday, a Dinka got up in church today to say this:
“It is the Word of God which will break the hate among the Nubians, the Dinkas, and the Nuers. Today, we’ve understood that God loves all people, that He is perfect, and that He wants all people to be perfect. Unfortunately, all men have sinned and we need a Savior. The Dinkas need Jesus. The Nuers need Jesus. The Nubians need Jesus. Only Jesus can save all people.”
When he had finished sharing, fifteen people came forward, confessing their sins, asking how they could be saved, and how they could share with their neighbors. Sixteen people believed in the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior. We pray that this would be a beginning for the Dinkas to become a part of the Church of Jesus Christ in the camp.”