From a woman in the Shatt tribe. For a woman to open up about her life is almost an abomination in the camp, especially among the Nubian tribes.
Some brothers have been teaching the chronological lessons at the compound of a sick man, and this woman would come, many times sad and other times very depressed.
They kept praying that the Lord would help her to open up and to be able to speak out. In the last teaching session, she finally opened up, learning of the effect of sin during the time of Noah and the ark.
“I have been having a lot of challenges. I have been like the people during the time of Noah. I was on the outside of the ark. For the last five months since my baby was born, I have not been able to breast feed my baby. I have had many challenges. My family is breaking up. The flood of problems is too much and I cannot do anything.
These lessons taught me a lot, and I relate them to my own personal life, that is, the flood of sickness, a lack of water and food with no breast milk which are all a part of the flood. My husband fights me and I have nowhere to go.
Now, I have chosen to enter with my entire family into the ark of God. I want to be saved from these floods. I cannot handle them alone.
Although the challenges have not disappeared, I have found peace ‘out of nowhere.’ I can now thank God for each day. I believe that my baby that God has given to me will continue to live and stay strong. I am praying that all of the floods will be gone one day, but even if they are not, I am bold because I am in the ark, and nothing can destroy the ark.”