From South Sudan:
The Daloka church is growing in knowledge of the Word of God, devoted in fellowship, and meeting every Monday, Thursday, and Sunday.
Monday meeting is to learn the word of God through Chronological Booklets studies. Learning the Word of God is above all else.
Here is a testimony from one of the Dalokas:
“Being born in a Muslim home, many people came and shared with us the Word of God and the result always was very negative. My father was fighting with them and always defending himself, saying that we were born Muslim and that’s our
religion. He never wanted to listen to the people coming to teach us.
While in high school, I received some booklets teaching us the story of God’s Word which had nothing to do with religion. I started reading this book and then interpreting to my family in our Shatt language.
My father was so happy to always hear the story, but sometimes his face would turn pale when talking about sin, death, and the animal dying on behalf of Adam. Every story greatly touched my family. One day, my father surprised us by saying that he wanted to have the kove of this God who does not demand us to do good before he loves us, but rather, that He loved us and died for us.
Joy fell over my entire family as we believed in God. Our whole family has changed.”
This woman continues in the fellowship with so much joy. She has been the house leader of her fellowship. She shares the Word of God with much passion, and is always humble. It is my prayer that the girls will be empowered with the Word of God to share with their family and make the camp a better place. Ladies, too, are of great importance in the kingdom of God. Hallelujah.