From a high school student in South Sudan who shares how he has been teaching secret believers with their testimonies as they grow in Christ:
“When the fellowship was closed by the Imam because his wife became a believer, we didn’t know what to do. The Muslims started all kinds of evil acts against us, and we had no idea what to do.
After spending time with the chronological lessons and developing disciples, we began secretly meeting at someone’s home for a time, after which we would separate.
Sometimes we would meet at the water place, and while people were drawing water, we would quietly discuss truths of the Bible, the importance of God in our lives, and why it is important to obey God. Nine young boys have also been in our meetings. Five have already expressed faith in Jesus Christ, and we believe that the remainder will do the same.
Now that we are an underground church, we have not encountered any challenge as the team agrees to be confidential and bring even more to the Lord. It is our prayer that we be able to find more study materials like chronological booklets and the Bible for more studies.
One of our brothers left for a time, but one thing he always told us was not to depend on anything else, but look at Jesus and the Bible. Today, I am glad that I can share my faith and many are coming to know the Lord.”
Let’s keep on praying with this team to keep sharing their faith and have boldness to preach the gospel even in persecution. Amen.