From South Sudan:
When the leaders are taught the word of God, and embrace the word of God in all that they do, ministry becomes a swift journey just as the Lord Jesus Christ teaches us in his Word.
Embracing true doctrine, fellowshiping together, the breaking of bread, and continuous devotion to prayer should be a part of every ministry. In South Sudan, there are many unreached people groups. Recently, while I was in Juba, I got time to share with Pastor Sam and other leaders who have been loving the word of God. Therefore, we organized an open air crusade which took place in the New Site Market in Juba, South Sudan.
During the crusade, forty people surrendered their lives and believed in the Lord Jesus Christ. Among them was a woman who had been having challenges with her epileptic child.
She said this: “My child had been falling down and convulsing all the time. In our culture, we believe in ‘Kujur’ which means witchcraft. I have tried this out in different places, but still had no solution for my child.”
As I prayed for the child, the Lord Jesus healed the baby. Pastor Sam called me to tell me that since the crusade, the lady now comes to the teaching and her baby is completely healed from epilepsis. Through this miracle, six more families have surrendered their lives to Christ and a fellowship has begun in New Site in Juba.
Keep praying with us to have enough booklets to give out to these new converts and discipleship to continue to the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ in heaven.