“My name is Mary. I always wanted to have a nice family as I grew up in a family of polygamy–my father had two wives. Life was not easy for me. The other side of the family hated my side of the family.
For the first man I was hoping to marry, my step sister told him that I was barren and cursed, and that I would not have children if he married me. He ended up marrying my step sister.
For the second man I was hoping to marry, as we were waiting for him to come and pay the dowry, he did not show up. After some days, I met him and was shocked to see him with my other step sister. She had accused me of being a prostitute.
For the third man I was hoping to marry, my step sisters told my dad that he was a witch doctor, and my dad chased him away when he came to our home.
This frustrated me and I lived in pain. I had given up on God as I wondered where He was when I was going through all this.
One day, a friend invited me to join her to listen to some Bible stories that were being read in her church. I had not gone to church for years and had run away from home to another town. I went with her to church and listened as they read lessons starting from creation.
For one of the lessons, the pastors shared how Joseph was hated by his brothers, how the Israelites were enslaved, and how God had promised them a Savior. I felt I was an Israelite who needed a Savior. Just like Joseph, my family had betrayed me.
This led me to cry and seek this Savior. The pastor led me to Christ and I gave my life to the Lord Jesus. I forgave all my sisters and went back home.
God answered my prayers, and in October, God gave me a husband. I am now married and expecting my first born. Thank you for the booklets.”
Brother Ben, Where I am in Bungoma, Kenya, people need these booklets. The people here are full of religions and witchcraft. Alcohol is rampant. There is prostitution and drugs, and people sacrifice their children to idols to get rich.
I believe that God wants me to bring the light to my village. Please help me get more booklets. This is the tool that will touch this village. Help me change Lwakhakha for Jesus. Pastor Brian Kadenge.