“I have been one of the most notorious thieves, a bandit, and also a drug addict. Due to the influence of drugs, I have been fighting with my family for a long time until I could not control myself anymore. Even though my mother is elderly, I used to beat her as I was told to believe that women need to be beaten in order for them to behave. I have raped several women, and I know that the devil has been using me a lot.
One day, while I was at home, I heard a voice in a dream asking me if I was happy about the life I was living–a life of war, drinking, and raping women. This voice spoke to the worst part of my life which I did not want anyone to know. Although I did not even want to think about any of this, I had nothing to say, but kept quiet.
The next day, I heard the same voice but this time, it was more intense with a second question, ‘Do you know what will happen to your life if you die today?’ As a good Muslim, I answered without a second thought, ‘Heaven.’
‘How will you enter there?’ the voice persisted. At this, I was cornered and then I saw a bleeding hand, and the voice said, ‘I have given you a second chance.’
The following day, two gentlemen came with a lady. They were carrying booklets which they read to me. I was thinking that this had to do with my dream, but I chased them away anyway. Sadly, they left.
A week later, I felt so sick that I had to go to the hospital. At the hospital, I was told that I had malaria and was anemic.
Then, to my surprise, one of the nurses who came to treat me was one of the women who had previously reached out to me. After talking with me for a bit, she left and came back with the booklets.
Since then, I have been reading the booklets while in bed in the hospital. The nurse has become a good friend to me.
A few days ago, I read of one of the stories of Israel and realized that I was just like Israel. Sarah prayed with me and for me, that I would believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Now, I am happy to be a believer. I am happy to see that my heart has changed. Pray for me that my Jesus would heal me, as my blood level is low, and I need a transfusion.
My mom came to the hospital and I asked her for forgiveness. I am happy. Thank you so much for the booklets.”