From one of the girl students in Kapsobet, Maurine Isinja:
“I am the first born in our family. Our father died when I was in Class Six. My mother must struggle to find food for us to eat, and even to buy clothes. Life was so difficult that I ended up on the streets to beg for food.
On the streets I found myself in wrong hands. I ended up engaging in early sex to get money to eat. When I got pregnant, I had an abortion that my mother did not know about. When I started back to school, one of the leaders forced me into sex. My life was hell. I was so stubborn because I was used to street life. I have been suspended from school three times.
After I started listening to the chronological lessons, I started thinking about my life. All that I wanted was to have a clean heart before God.
I am now a girl of God. I know that Jesus has forgiven me. I am a new creature. Only God can changes lives. I will not be suspended again.”