This report is from Bithian in western Kenya:
“Schools are heading to half term and so I have some time to report on what the Lord has done these past two months. We watched as the Holy Spirit was convicting students to surrender their lives to Christ.
In the past, we were only teaching the students who would attend the Christian Union club meetings, but his year, things have changed. In most schools, we are now allowed to teach the whole school. One of these schools is St Mary’s Yala
School run by Catholics. At first, they would only allow us to teach the Christian Union teachers, and the teachers thought that the booklets were too basic until they saw the changes in the girls. Now, we are reading chronological stories to the entire school.
A new school has joined us this year, the Gahubwa Girls High School. This is because of the testimonies from the other schools. None of the girls want to belong to the wrong tribe. We have had 340 students give their lives to Christ from the seven schools where we teach the chronological lessons.
Pray that God will use these booklets to bring more to the knowledge of the truth of His word. Pray for more teachers to come on board so that they can take over the lessons in their schools. We need more books so please pray that funds will be available for more copies. Pray for wisdom as we have more invitation to schools and we cannot be everywhere at the same time.”