“I used to go to church, but I was not a believer in Jesus Christ. I loved listening to the teachings. The last time I went, I was drunk. This made the pastor chase me out.
From there, I went to worldly living. No one could convince me to return to church. I hated it so much, and never understood my own problem. Then, I was struggling so much that I started going to the witch doctor. For Nubians, this is very normal to do so.
My heart was so far from God. I was abusing my children, drinking and fighting.
Last year, my son’s friend came in, and started sharing with us stories from the booklets. When I heard about Abraham wanting to sacrifice his own son as a commandment from God, but then, God providing a sheep, I was greatly touched.
Most of the time we Nubians have sacrificed our sons to a different god. The one true God does not want us to die, and sent Jesus to die on our behalf, just as the sheep died on Isaac’s behalf. God provided the sheep. God provided the Savior Jesus Christ. This way is the one and only way, through the Savior.
Today, I have left all of this, and it is now two months since my life started transforming. I love listening to these teachings, and if they could be on audio, I would love to share them a lot.”