This testimony is from Mama Rodah in Kenya:
“In my life, I have struggled to know the truth. I have moved from church to church in search of the truth. My husband died six years ago leaving me with seven children, the youngest being three months old. We were happily married. My husband had provided for our family. After he died, I had no hope. I could not understand why God allowed this to happen to me. Was God even real?
After six months, I could not take it anymore. The kids needed school fees, food, and clothing, and I had not one to run to for help. At that time, the devil led me to prostitution. I began to drink alcohol, became a drunkard, and forgot about my kids.
My brother-in-law took my kids, and I moved to Lodwar to find new clients. In Lodwar, one of my new friends took me to church. The pastor was teaching Bible stories. At first, remembering what had happened to me, I didn’t even believe that God existed, yet the stories that I was hearing were very interesting.
After a time, I realized that I was a bad mother, and a great sinner. I belonged to the tribe of Cain. Instead of listening to God, I listened to Satan who took me into prostitution. My body became a tool for Satan to use, and Satan separated me from my family and from God.
Finally, I understood the truth from the simple Swahili booklets that were read to me. God loved me, and sent the Savior to die for me. I gave my life to Jesus, and have now returned to my home. Thanks for the Bible stories and booklets that the pastor taught and gave us to read.”