This is a testimony from a former Muslim:
“On the 11th of December 2016, there was an attack on Christians in the Abbasiya district of Cairo. The bomb led to the deaths of many Christians. Some thirty Christians died and approximately fifty more were seriously injured. These deaths were planned by an Islamic cult in Egypt of which I was the leader.
This was not my first bombing, nor certainly not my first attack on Christians, and that night, I went to sleep rejoicing, knowing that I had done a great thing for the Islamic god. In the Muslim religion, Jihad is one of the greatest commands for a true Muslim believer.
However, that night, as I was sleeping, I had a vision of a man with bleeding feet walking towards me. He spoke to me in a soft voice, and said, ‘I love you. You are my friend, and I am calling you to preach about me.’
I had no idea who this was, and when I asked Him, he said, ‘I am Yeshua Almashi [Jesus the Messiah]. I am the One held in honor according to the Quran. Those whom you have killed that believe in me is blood for the growth of Christianity. I will use you and your family, but first, you must set off and leave Egypt. I will send people to teach you about me. After this, you will return and share with others. I will protect you and forgive you of all of your sins.’
Then, the man bleeding hugged me and disappeared. The next day, I could not pray or even tell my wife what had happened to me. I no longer wanted to go to the mosque. I was totally confused, and did not know what to do.
For four months, I did not go to the mosque. The vision kept playing in my mind, and it was as if the vision was yesterday.
On the 7th of July, 2017 I had yet another dream. This time, I saw Issa (Jesus) in the dream gathering many people to teach. I was invited by a friend to come, but I cannot remember his name. Issa was teaching about His love for us, about His death on the cross, and how we can be saved. He spoke about God’s free gift. Then, He called to me and told me, ‘Muhammad, I will not force you, but I want you to know that I love you so much. Look for the people of the Book (Bible). I will send you to a dry land and feed you there. While you are there, I will transform you and use you to change many lives.’
Even with this second dream, I felt that my heart was not ready, for everything that He spoke of seemed to be against Islam.
In January of 2018, I was reading a bit of a Bible that I had picked up in a rubbish pit. I could still not tell my wife nor children what was happening to me. For all of this time, I was avoiding the Islamic team that I had led. Finally, after six more months, I sold everything, and told my wife and three children that we were going to move to another country because we were not safe. I did not, however, tell them the reason why. Being the father, they had to obey and to follow.
We moved to Juba, Sudan in January of 2019. It was there that I felt at peace, and believed that we would start a new life there.
Although the camp has become my home, I had no way of hearing the Word of God until I was introduced to the chronological booklets. It was my son who met Felix who prayed for him, and God healed my son. I then gathered my friends, and we kidnapped a brother in order to understand more. We did not want to kill Felix. We only wanted to be sure that he was the right man that I was told about in the dream that I had five years ago.
Since then, we have been gathering as a team, and we are listening to the teachings. I am so proud to learn many truths about God, and now, above all, my entire family believes in the Lord Jesus Christ. We continue to read these booklets which contain not only our hope, but also the hope for all of the world. One day, I will return to Egypt to share the truths about our Jesus Christ.”
We keep praying for this fellowship even as it grows. We have been able to baptize forty two new believers, most of whom were from Islam.