Testimony from a Maasai in Kenya, Tanzania:
“My name is Lenrok. I was among those who believed stealing other people’s cows would prove me to be a man. When our chief started reading some Maasai Bible stories to us, I thought it was a joke, that he was becoming weak, and that we needed to replace him. I started a revolt within the group and we rebelled against our chief who had become a Christian.
We planned to attack another village and steal without our chief’s consent. One of our members heard us and reported us to our chief who preached to us and warned us of consequences if we did not stop stealing.
Just as people in the Bible stories were rebellious like Satan, I wanted to be my own god, just like Satan wanted to be like God. Just like Satan, we disobeyed our chief and God. We went and attacked another village. Three of us were killed and I lost a finger on my left hand. Since then, I have decided to continue to listen to and to read the booklets. I gave my life to Jesus. I won’t disobey again.”