From a pastor working in South Sudan:
“The Lord has sent us further north to the Tondiak and Bentiu areas. These are mostly Islamic areas. It was not easy at first.
We thank God for the Arabic booklets. Many Muslims believe that these are their books and they read them. Before we were allowed to teach the booklets, the chief had to look through the first lessons. As these stories are similar to what the Muslims think, he allowed us to teach them, and we have been teaching the lessons without fear. Some have even taken the booklets to the mosque believing they are from the Quran.
We are praying for the next lessons. Could you copy and send to us lessons 21-42 in Arabic?
In the southern Bulbuong and Nasir areas, the Nuer books were very well received. The Ecumenical Church of South Sudan has embraced the lessons and they are being taught in their churches. There is a great interest with the people wanting to know more. These booklets are transformation tools that were lacking in these areas. We believe that the Holy Spirit is at work and very soon, we will start to have more testimonies. We need your help with the booklets, lessons 21-42 in the Nuer language. Help us reach out more with the truth.”