Pastor Peter is from Heiban which is among the Tira tribe in the Nuba mountains of South Sudan. He was a part of the chronological teachings in the camp last year, and came back to share what the Lord is doing in the Nuba mountains.
“I am from a Muslim family. My own father, who is a respected Muslim, has tried to kill me many times. This is because I have tried to teach him about the Lord Jesus, yet he is ashamed of me as his own son has disrespected him by leaving the Muslim religion.
I started ministry in 1988, but saw little fruit for years and years [over thirty years]. God has called me to reach out to the Muslims in my area of the Nuba mountains.
Since I came to the meetings of the chronological teachings, however, I have learned much.
First, we need to first learn about God, and then, that only God can save us. Religion cannot save us. Through the chronological teachings, many former Muslims have come to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Although many people keep asking me many questions, my answer is this: ‘I do not want to talk about your religion. I only want to teach the Word of God, and the Word of God says that all human being are sinners, that only God is holy, and that only God can save us!’”