From a man in the Dinka tribe in Sudan. He became interested in learning the Word of God from the chronological booklets, and has been continuing to slowly study with us.
“I kept the Muslim law of Ramadhan as well as the other laws of Islam, yet I always had questions in my heart. In the Islamic religion, we were taught that there is a weighing scale of good and bad deeds. We were also taught that Satan is chained during the month of Ramadhan. One of my questions was why would people continue to sin during this month. Another question was wondering why God would only have one holy month, and then release Satan. There was something wrong.
One of my family members is the Imam of our mosque, yet I wanted to go to the fellowship of believers to see if I could find some hope. Reading from the Quran and from the Bible, I learned of Jesus as the most and only holy man. Why was only Jesus holy, and not my esteemed prophet, Mohammed?
The chronological booklets have answered many of my questions. Another answer has to do with the Muslim belief that Jesus did not die. On Wednesday, I had a dream, and in the dream, a man was talking to me, asking me lots of questions about my future life. After a bit, he paused and said, ‘My son, I love you and your Father in heaven loves you. I died for you and am now risen. Will you believe all I did for you?’”
Yesterday this man attended the fellowship and declared his own personal decision to walk with the Lord.