Working in northern Kenya and South Sudan:
“I write this to you with great hope and trust you are well in the Lord. It is with great joy that I write to you. We have had testimonies of the Lord’s working in all of the areas where we have taught the chronological lessons.
In the Kot area, South Sudan, thirty souls have come to believe in Christ. Five entire families have been transformed through these lessons. In the Leer area, South Sudan, after going through the lessons, there have been twelve rebels who have surrendered their souls to Christ, and surrendered their weapons to the authorities. Several Muslims have come to the knowledge of the truth.
I believe that the Lord would have us to go to new areas further north. We are planning for training in the Tondiak and Bentiu areas, which are mostly Islamic, as well as further south in the Bulbuong and Nasir areas.
We need your help with booklets. Please, one of our brothers is coming to Nairobi this month. Could you kindly prepare for us 500 copies of Arabic Arabic (lessons 1-20) and 500 copies of Nuer (lessons 1-20). Kindly confirm if it’s possible so that we might arrange for the transportation of the books. Help us to reach out more with the truth.”