November 2, 2022
From the general superintendent of the PAG churches in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda:
“Today I thank God for the impact the chronological booklets have in East Africa. With 4,500 [copies], we have been giving a [copy] to 4,500 pastors. This means we have reached 4,500 churches in East Africa. with an average of 120 people per church, we have trained an average of 540,000 people in East Africa chronologically.
Some pastors have been photocopying the books to share them with their leaders. 1,000 pastors made 20 copies each, therefore, we have distributed a total of 24,500 [copies] per book.
With PAG having churches in the most remote areas, these booklets have gone as far as Taita Hills in Kenya, Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, and Arua in northern Uganda. The books have impacted hundreds of families. The truth has been taught; we are waiting for the fruits.”