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- What did Adam and Eve do after they disobeyed God?
-They made themselves clothes of leaves.
- Why did Adam and Eve make themselves clothes of leaves?
-Because they tried to hide their sin.
- Can anyone hide their sin from God?
-No one can hide their sin from God.
- Why did God refuse the clothes of leaves that Adam and Eve made?
-God wanted to teach Adam and Eve that they were not able to do anything to make themselves acceptable to God.
- Can we make ourselves acceptable to God by the clothes that we put on?
- Can we make ourselves acceptable to God by the works that we do?
- Who is the only One who was able to make Adam and Eve acceptable to God?
- Why did God kill animals to make clothes for Adam and Eve?
-God was teaching Adam and Eve.
- What was God teaching Adam and Eve?
-That disobedience brings death.
-That sin brings death.
-That the punishment for sin is death.
- Why did God make clothes for Adam and Eve?
-Because God loved Adam and Eve.
- Why did God not allow Adam and Eve to put on the clothes themselves?
-God was teaching Adam and Eve that only God can cover people.
-God was teaching Adam and Even that He will not accept those who follow their own way.
- What did God do so that Adam and Eve would never return to the Garden of Eden?
-God placed angels called cherubim and a flaming sword at the entrance of the Garden of Eden.
-What happened to Adam and Eve after God sent them out of the Garden of Eden?
Let’s read Genesis 4:1
1-Adam lay with his wife Eve, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain. She said, “With the help of the LORD, I have brought forth a man.”
-After God sent Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden, Eve gave birth to a boy.
-Eve named her first son Cain.
-Why did Eve say that she brought forth a son with the help of the Lord?
-Because Eve knew that God is the Giver of all life.
-Who alone gives life to all people?
-God alone gives life to all people.
-God alone gave life to you as well.
Let’s read Genesis 4:2
2-Later, Eve gave birth to his brother Abel.
-Later, Eve gave birth to a second son.
-Eve named her second son Abel.
-Where were Cain and Abel born?
-Outside of the Garden of Eden.
-Why were Cain and Abel born outside of the Garden of Eden?
-Because their father, Adam, and their mother, Eve, sinned and disobeyed God, God sent them out of the Garden of Eden.
-Because Adam and Eve were sent out of the Garden of Eden, their children were born outside of the Garden of Eden.
-Because Adam and Eve now lived outside of the Garden of Eden, their children were born outside of the Garden of Eden.
-Here are two illustrations:
-If your parents are black, are you also born black?
-If your parents are white, are you also born white?
-Because God sent Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden, Cain and Abel were born outside of the Garden of Eden.
-Because God sent Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden, where are all people born?
-Outside of the Garden of Eden.
-Cain and Abel were born outside of the Garden of Eden.
-All people are born outside of the Garden of Eden.
-Outside of the Garden of Eden is sickness.
-Outside of the Garden of Eden is hate.
-Outside of the Garden of Eden is sin.
-Outside of the Garden of Eden is death.
-All people are born outside of the Garden of Eden.
-All people are born into sickness.
-All people are born into hate.
-All people are born into sin.
-All people are born into death.
-All people are born separated from God.
-All people are born as slaves of Satan.
-All people are born with Satan as their master.
-Why are all people born with Satan as their master?
-Because our father Adam disobeyed God and sinned.
-Because our father Adam listened to Satan.
-Here is another illustration:
-Suppose there is an enemy tribe who wants to kill all of your tribe.
-One day, a man in your tribe goes to the enemy tribe, lives with them, becomes like them, and marries one of their girls.
-When they have children, whom will the children be like?
-The enemy tribe.
-Because our father, Adam, listened to Satan and became a slave of Satan, all people are born as slaves of Satan.
-Because our father, Adam, listened to Satan and Satan became his master, all people are born with Satan as their master.
-One day, Cain and Abel brought a sacrifice to God.
Let’s read Genesis 4:3
3-In the course of time, Cain brought some of the fruits of the soil as an offering to the LORD.
-What did Cain bring as a sacrifice to God?
-Cain brought grain as a sacrifice to God.
-What did Abel bring as a sacrifice to God?
Let’s read Genesis 4:4a
4-But Abel brought fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock.
-Abel brought a sheep as a sacrifice to God.
-Why did Cain and Abel bring sacrifices to God?
-Because God told Cain and Abel that they must bring a sacrifice in order to come to God.
-Cain and Abel were not able to go to God on their own.
-Why were Cain and Abel not able to go to God on their own?
-Because they had sinned and were separated from God.
-Because God hates sin and punishes all sin with death.
-Because Cain and Abel were not able to go to God, God made a way for them to go to Him.
-What was the way that God made for Cain and Abel to go to Him?
-God asked Cain and Abel to sacrifice a sheep.
-Why did God ask Cain and Abel to sacrifice a sheep?
-God wanted to teach Cain and Abel.
-What did God want to teach Cain and Abel?
-God wanted Cain and Abel to see the blood of the sheep, and know that sin brings death.
-God wanted Cain and Abel to see the blood of the sheep, and know that the punishment for sin is death.
-Was the blood of the sheep able to save Cain and Abel?
-Why was the blood of the sheep not able to save Cain and Abel?
-Because the sheep did not sin.
-Because only Cain and Abel sinned.
-Because the blood of animals cannot pay for the sins of men.
-God also wanted to teach Cain and Abel that God alone was able to save them.
-God also wanted to teach Cain and Abel that they were able to come to God only according to God’s way.
-What did God think about Abel and his sacrifice?
Let’s read Genesis 4:4b
4-The LORD looked with favor on Abel and his offering.
-Why did God accept Abel and his sacrifice?
-Because Abel obeyed God.
-Because Abel brought a sheep as a sacrifice to God.
-Because Abel came to God only according to God’s way.
-What did Abel know about himself?
-Abel knew that he was born into sin.
-Abel knew that his sin must be punished by death.
-What did Abel know about God?
-Abel knew that God is holy.
-Abel knew that God punishes all sin with death.
-Abel knew that God alone was able to save him.
-Abel also trusted God to send the Savior to save him from his sins.
-Therefore, Abel obeyed God and brought a sheep as a sacrifice.
-Because Abel obeyed God, God accepted Abel’s sacrifice.
-Because Abel came to God God’s way, God accepted Abel’s sacrifice.
-What did God think about Cain and his sacrifice?
Let’s read Genesis 4:5
5-But on Cain and his offering, the LORD did not look with favor. So Cain was very angry, and his face was downcast.
-Why did God reject Cain and his sacrifice?
-Was it because God does not like grain?
-God is the One who created the grain.
-Why did God reject Cain and his sacrifice?
-Because Cain disobeyed God.
-Because Cain did not bring a sheep as a sacrifice to God.
-Because Cain tried to go to God his way, and not God’s way.
-What did Cain think about himself?
-Cain did not think that he was born into sin.
-Cain did not think that his sin must be punished by death.
-What did Cain think about God?
-Cain did not think that God is holy.
-Cain did not think that God punishes all sin with death.
-Cain did not think that God alone was able to save him.
-Cain also did not think that he needed a Savior to save him from his sins.
-Cain did not want the Savior to come to save him from his sins.
-Because Cain disobeyed God, God did not accept Cain’s sacrifice.
-Because Cain did not come to God God’s way, God did not accept Cain’s sacrifice.
-Do you remember why God rejected the clothes of leaves that Adam and Eve made for themselves?
-Because God wanted Adam and Eve to know that there was nothing that they were able to do to make themselves acceptable to God.
-God also wanted Cain to know that there was nothing that he was able to do to make himself acceptable to God.
-What did God say to Cain after He had rejected Cain’s sacrifice?
Let’s read Genesis 4:6-7
6-Then the LORD said to Cain, “Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast?
7-If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it.”
-After God rejected Cain’s sacrifice, why did God speak with Cain?
-Because God loved Cain.
-Because God wanted Cain to confess his sins.
-God wanted to help Cain to know that he was not able to come to God his way.
-God wanted to help Cain to know that he was only able to come to God God’s way.
-God wanted to help Cain so that he would not die in the Lake of Eternal Fire.
-Did Cain listen to God?
Let’s read Genesis 4:8
8-Now Cain said to his brother Abel, “Let’s go out to the field.” And while they were in the field, Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him.
-Did Cain listen to God?
-To whom did Cain listen?
-Cain listened to Satan.
-What did Cain do?
-Cain became angry, and killed his brother, Abel.
-Satan wanted Adam and Eve to die.
-Satan also wanted Cain to kill Abel.
-Satan hates all people.
-Satan wants all people to die.
-Satan wants to kill all people.
-Satan told Cain to kill his brother Abel, and Cain listened to Satan.
-Just like Adam and Eve listened to Satan, Cain too listened to Satan.
-Did God see what Cain did?
-God sees everything, and knows everything.
-What did God say to Cain after Cain killed his brother Abel?
Let’s read Genesis 4:9
9-Then the LORD said to Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?” “I don’t know,” Cain replied. “Am I my brother’s keeper?”
-Why did God ask Cain this question?
-God wanted Cain to confess his sin.
-God wanted Cain to admit that he had disobeyed God.
-God wanted Cain to admit that he had listened to Satan.
-What else did God say to Cain?
Let’s read Genesis 4:10-12
10-The LORD said, “What have you done? Listen! Your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground.
11-Now you are under a curse and driven from the ground, which opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand.
12-When you work the ground, it will no longer yield its crops for you. You will be a restless wanderer on the earth.”
-Did God punish Cain’s sin?
-God punishes all sin.
-There is not one sin that God does not punish.
-How did God punish Cain’s sin?
-God cursed Cain.
-Also, if Cain were to cultivate the soil, it would no longer yield any harvest.
-Also, Cain would be a restless wanderer on the earth.
-Because Cain did not listen to God, but listened to Satan, God sent Cain away.
Let’s read Genesis 4:16
16-So Cain went out from the LORD’s presence and lived in the land of Nod, east of Eden.
-Cain refused to listen to God.
-Therefore, God sent Cain away.
-Cain also refused to repent of his sin.
-Therefore, God sent Cain away.
-Later, when Cain died, he went to eternal punishment.
-It is very foolish to refuse to listen to God.
-It is very foolish to refuse to repent of sin.
-Do not be like Cain.
-Cain refused to think that he was born into sin.
-Cain refused to think that his sin must be punished by death.
-Cain did not follow the way of God.
-Cain followed his own way, and went to eternal punishment.